What’s the difference between hot curved screen protector and tempered protector?

//What’s the difference between hot curved screen protector and tempered protector?

What’s the difference between hot curved screen protector and tempered protector?

What’s the difference between hot curved screen protector and tempered protector


The birth of tempered glass screen protectors solves the problem of protecting smartphones’ original glass screens. Since then, there are lots of changes and innovations from the makers of tempered protector. They have introduced and adopted newer technologies to create better and more effective products so that consumers can have their piece of mind.

In this article, we will explain and discuss the differences between these two processes so that you get a clear idea about it and be decisive during the purchase.

It is crystal clear from the name itself that it bending film is a protective film processed by a hot bending process. But the question remains,

What makes it different from the tempered film?


The difference starts from the functionality. Let us explain it with an example – the tempered film screen protector produced for smartphones has the ability to protect the screen of the surface of the phone ( only). Also if it comes without curvature then it cannot wrap the edge of the smartphone. On the other hand, a hot-bent tempered glass film protector has the ability to wrap the entire edge of the smartphone without creating any issues. This is of course a huge plus. We all want complete protection from the original glass screen of our Smartphones and when one particular screen protector is offering all-round protection due to its making technology then why not people should adopt it over the other.


Do you have any different opinions? We guess not.

So, it’s time to proceed toward our next point.


Well, by now you all must have understood that at this point we are going to discuss the materials used to make these two types of tempered screen protectors. There is no doubt about the fact is that hot-bent protector covers way more better than the tempered glass screen protector but they are way more weaker than the tempered film. The hot-bent film, which is a PET film is relatively easy to break which means less protection. On the other hand, tempered glass screen protector film is not only scratch-resistant like the hot-bent film but also way stronger than it. A tempered glass screen protector will hardly break or won’t break at all when you compare with it a hot-bent protector. This is surely a PLUS for tempered glass screen protectors which is why a major fraction of the consumers still prefer tempered glass screen protectors over hot-bent protectors.


The title of this point makes it clear and by now you also know that there is something different in the way these two protector films are getting their shapes. Yes, the processes are different.

The process of hot-bending tempered film and hot-bending film is much more complicated than that of tempered film, and the hot-bending effect is achieved by high-temperature heating.

Hot-Bending Process

When we say, ‘Hot-bending’ it means the process involves heating the screen protector material to a high temperature and then bending it to fit the curved shape of a device’s screen. In this case, you can say it makes the product way more flexible, and at the same time, it offers a better fit with a seamless appearance.

Hot Tempering Process

In this process, a screen protector is created using a ‘tempering’ method in which screen protector material is heated to a high temperature and then rapidly cooling it to create a hard and extremely durable surface. This entire process ensures that the screen protector offers high resistance to scratches and other types of damage.



If we compare the protection capabilities between a hot-bent screen protector and a tempered glass screen protector then a tempered glass screen protector will become an easy winner. Although, hot bend covers the curved areas of smartphones and fits easily normal tempered glass screen protectors are way more useful when it comes to protecting the original glass screen of your smartphone as they can weather high-levels of wear and tear.


The costs of these two types of screen protectors can vary at different levels of quality.

You can find that there are some hot curved screen protectors that are way more expensive due to the additional manufacturing steps required to create them as well as some features.

On the other hand, normal tempered screen protectors can be available at affordable prices due to their simple yet effective manufacturing process.


It is evident that hot-bent screen protectors offer better coverage than normal tempered glass screen protectors but if you are looking for better and safer options to protect your smartphone and its original glass then a tempered glass screen protector is the better choice. If you think that you can afford to pay for a better life for your smartphone then it is always better to opt for a tempered glass screen protector. Because, in the long run, it will give you the benefits you are looking for.

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